Prayer for the day

Triple Celebration Today:
104 months with Sharksfin
Potling’s 13th Gestational Week
Official Move-in Date (but we’re really just cleaning the house tonight)
Dear Sharksfin, Potling and The Big Man From Up There,

May I know Thee more clearly,
Love Thee more dearly and
Follow Thee more nearly, day by day.

~Saint Richard of Chichester

Craving Normalcy

A highschool batchmate is pregnant. I am seriously happy for the expecting couple. The news just triggered a totally unexpected response from my boiling hormones. I suddenly craved for no less than the guilty pleasure (for me) of normalcy.

Natural laws have written the ideal plot of the story that's been repeatedly told with different names – including the expecting couple I mentioned at the opening paragraph of this entry:

1. Man and woman fall in love.
2. Man proposes to wed.
3. Man and woman prepare for wedding.
4. Man and woman get married while preparing their nest.
5. Man and woman move in to their nest.
6. Man and woman get pregnant.

I learned about the batchmate's pregnancy, a few minutes after I finished making phone calls in preparation for our civil wedding. I am 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant and on Thursday, we're supposed to be moving in to our first nest. I spent the last hour reading articles about interior design basics. I had to remind myself to stop being excited because no decorating will happen until maybe a few months from now. All purchases and actions, for now, will be "utilitarian" as there are more important tasks at hand (plus major upcoming expenses).

Then I started to feel a little sorry for myself.

Envy. The sixth deadly sin.

Thank heavens for triple choco boom.

Craving Normalcy